Sunday, March 8, 2015

Immigration: Then and Now

     Immigration has always been a hot-topic in America. Whether it was 1890 or 2015, immigration has been there and always will be. No matter who you are, you can trace your lineage back to an immigrant. The rate of immigration has decreased in the past because of the population size rising; leaving potential immigrants behind. The reason for immigrating has been the same as it was in the beginning. People have always longed for the freedom available in America. Freedom not being the only reason but the most intriguing reason to immigrants is the opportunities that America gives you. People from other countries simply are not given the opportunities everyone is given in America. Those reasons being push/pull factors.

This political cartoon shoes the opportunities that are given to immigrants and represent pull factors.

     When people of foreign nations have a problem such as oppression, unhealthy government, or lack of jobs; they are being pushed out of that country and are being pulled in by the opportunity that America gives them. If the U.S was a fast food restaurant, of course, it would be McDonalds. Known for all the good food (opportunities) that is available, customers see how much better everything is than their current favorite restaurant. They see the better quality food (life) and they want it. The poor quality of their current favorite restaurant's food is a push factor along with the better quality food of McDonalds being a pull factor.

     There is a shocking similarity between both times in the ways they handled immigrants. We continue to come with open-arms and accept them into society. There are still differences. Those being that in the older days, we were more prone to discriminate against a certain people. In the late 1800's, the Chinese were the ones being left out.

In the late 1800's, the Chinese were the ones being left out of the fun in America. 

 Today we see the Arabic people being rejected more than any because we are still in the war against terrorism. Though overpopulation was not a problem back then; America had little limitations to handle it, being that criminals were rejected. Now, we test our immigrants to see who is best fit to improve society, even though it may be immoral. However we deal with immigration, illegal immigration has been and will always be a problem in our country. Illegal or not, foreigners come for the same reasons: the freedom and opportunity that the U.S put on the table.

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